Tuesday Is Earliest President May Start USMCA Congressional Debate
Congress will be back in session with the House of Representatives returning on Tuesday.
Tuesday is the earliest date the President can submit legislation to officially start Congressional debate on the new United States- Mexico- Canada (USMCA) agreement.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Republican Chuck Grassley says while progress is slow, Democrats are warming to the idea of adding side agreements to the trade deal.
Farm Journal Washington Correspondent Jim Wiesemeyer reporting a group of Democrats, appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, wants to address labor, environmental, pharmaceutical, and enforcement provisions in the plan. It is seeking to meet with U-S Trade Representative Bob Lighthizer this week. The group also invited Lighthizer to meet each week that the House is in session this month.
Mexico was the first country to ratify the deal. Grassley says he has been assured by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government they have the necessary votes to pass it in Canada.