Crop Progress: Corn, Soybean Crops Continue To Thrive
Throughout the Corn Belt it’s easy to see corn and soybean crops are thriving. USDA took note, reporting 78% of the nation’s corn is in good to excellent condition in their June 18 Crop Conditions report. Similarly, USDA says 73% of U.S. soybeans are in good to excellent condition.
Several states are growing beautiful corn crops, but none quite like Wisconsin. Ninety percent of the corn there is rated good to excellent, with an impressive 30% rated excellent by USDA. Not far behind Wisconsin, 88% of Minnesota’s corn is rated good to excellent. In Illinois, 29% of the corn is rated excellent.
Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for Texas, North Carolina and Missouri. All three states continue to experience drought conditions and the crops are showing it. In Texas, 23% of the corn is rated poor or very poor, 11% of it rated very poor. Corn in North Carolina and Missouri is hanging on by a thread. In both states 13% of the corn is rated poor with very poor ratings at 4% and 2% respectively.
Soybeans are responding well to rain and warm temperatures too.
Wisconsin and Kentucky lead the pack for the best-looking soybeans with 87% and 86% respectively rated good to excellent. USDA estimates soybean planting is virtually over with 97% of the crop planted and 90% of it emerged.